Friday, March 14, 2008

I Proudly Launch - ItechLegend Forums

Dear Friends,

I would like to take this time to introduce my newly created forum ItechLegend ( ).

My goal is to provide the opportunity for all, my dear far and near friends out there to ride on synchronized mind waves over a vivacious sea of potential thoughts.

During the forum's construction, I had in mind to create a unique space where we can simply enjoy each other's digital presence, company with the absence of formality / locations and distances. While assigning many key areas as forum topics I chose those which are likely to be of common interest to evolve talks. Also if you want some TV or Radio ... you got it there, in a few clicks!!! If you have had enough of music and videos, you can always turn on to update yourself with some current affairs or keep in track with the latest happenings in real world as well as technology. Otherwise tap your fingers on your keyboards, stir up your inner self and guide your senses to send us your posts. Unleash your true self and reveal who you are, share your knowledge. This whole accomplishment will basically provide a means of communication to inform, share, discuss and learn.

I hope you will consider membership which is free at present and I invite you to visit. Once we meet there, I look forward to dissolve our boundaries and involve into various exciting activities!

And if possible... Try to bring people to this forum... The only reason why i build this forum is to bring people together...those of our frens who fall behind the worst firewalls of corporate giants and find difficult to send mails and check group mails and blogs can still be connected with this forum and share their feelings and emotions.

(This link takes u to the portal page where u should click “index” to launch the forum index. “register” links also available as well for new memberships gaining complete access to forums content)

Once you register, navigate to Introductions and introduce yourself after which the forum is yours to view


1. To override corporate firewalls, I purchased “.in” domain to host this forum, so I believe corporate people wont find difficulty in accessing the forum. Yet, if it still gives you error. I am sorry; you have your home pc to reach our forums.

2. “That which is good is never finished”, so do our forum. We always have time to make the content rich and feel more professional


Business Details

Official Name : ItechLegend Forums

Hosted by : ItechLegend (Aravindh Narayanan)

Setup Cost : Tremendous time, innovative ideas and little money

Purpose : Bringing People Together

Targeted Customers : IT people, Students, entrepreneurs and people who find their hangouts over www, house wives and who not?

Language : Mostly Tamil people for certain special topics, yet no language barrier.

Tagline : “Wherever the bright sun of heaven shall shine, his honor and greatness of this name shall be.”

Source : one and only WWW and its references.

Technical Details

Server : Linux

Scripts : Perl / JS

Languages : All website building languages including php

Database : mysql

Uptime : forever

Photo uploads : temporarily quota limited (use public image hosting servers (,,,,

Supported Videos : Google videos, YouTube videos, dailymotion videos and metacafe videos

Objects embedded : real, quick time, windows media, flash

Supported browsers : IE6 & 7, Firefox, opera and many (Best viewed on mozilla FireFox)

Waiting to be known among you,

As united by my forum,

Arvind – ItechLegend

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